The king Spain went on quarantine because of communication from sick Koronavirus

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Self-isolation of the head of state will last ten days the King Spain Felipe Khuan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Burbon i Gresiya went on quarantine in connection with contact with the infected Koronavirus the person. The monarch will spend ten days in isolation according to recommendations of Ministry zdravookhraneniya the states. All events with its participation for self-isolation will be cancelled. The planned actions with participation Letisiya's Letisiya Ortis Rokasolano and princesses Leonore and Sofia, did not undergo changes. About it reported TVE TV channel. Earlier it was reported that in the territory Spain were temporarily closed borders of the whole region in connection with...
Letisiya Ortis Rokasolano
Last position: Koroleva-konsort of Spain
Ministry zdravookhraneniya
Government Agency