New Ombudsman for Children in of the Ryazan region became Yevdokimova Angelica

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New Ombudsman for Children in of the Ryazan region became the senior assistant administrator of Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Ryazan region the colonel of justice Yevdokimova Angelica. The relevant decision was made by Regional Duma of Ryazan on November 23. Candidate Yevdokimova Angelica, brought by the governor, was presented by the deputy chairman of Government regiona Roman Petrovich Petryaev. According to him, candidate Yevdokimova Angelica is coordinated with the federal children's ombudsman  Anna Kuznetsova. Other candidates were not, 38 deputies voted for Yevdokimova Angelica, 1 refrained. At meeting...