Ход капитального ремонта жилого дома №9 в Голицыно проверили одинцовские единороссы

Рейд прошел в рамках реализации проекта «Школа грамотного...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Одинцовский городской округ Московской области» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vladimir Vinitsky
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee under the budget and municipal property (TAMBOV CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE TAMBOV REGION)
Galina Kuvshinnikova
Last position: Chief (Administration of the urban settlement Golitsyno of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region)
Sergei Khatsiev
Last position: Chief (Administration of the urban settlement Bolshiye Vyazemy of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region)
Semin Vladimir
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism