"The nonsense any turned out": the thought will pay Yekaterinburg for the public relations, but mass media remain at a loss

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The thought Yekaterinburg won back two competition on lighting the activity in mass media. One — on TV, the second — on radio. The last passed unusually: according to experts, the price was overstated three times from average on the city, but, having been fond, mediyshchik brought down it by 10 times and signed unprofitable for itself contract. According to a site of government purchases, the municipal duma plans to let out until the end of the year 10 ten-minute interviews to deputies on TV and 10 half-hour records on radio. "It will be a peculiar report of chairmen of the commissions on work in a year. Planned to make similar passes since the beginning of year, but because of...
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Vikharev
Last position: The head of department of accreditation in the field of confirmation of compliance of products of mechanical engineering, electrotechnical products, construction materials and fire safety (Federal Accreditation Service)
Igor Volodin
Last position: Chairman (City Duma of Yekaterinburg )
Dvizov Aleksey
Kolchin Aleksey
City administration
Government Agency