The mayor of Grozny reported about the beginning of preparation for New Year's holidays

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The mayor of Grozny Isa Nazhadievich Khadzhimuradov held a meeting with the management of all structural divisions of the city hall. At a meeting also there was the first ̆ the deputy town governor Mansur Magomed-Emievich Abdulaev. The condition of an urban environment and questions of service of territories was discussed. The mayor noted that everything management companies have to speed up work, maintain ideal purity in the city. Isa Nazhadievich Khadzhimuradov emphasized that Grozny ̆ always was an example for imitation. "ChR capital was in the lead more than once in a reiting of the purest cities of the country, and we have to support such level of a condition of Grozny", - noted...