Konakov Alexander: the Russian sambo wrestlers pulled out WC gold through pain and blood

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© a site of the International federation of sambo Athletes combined Russian Federation on fighting sambo adequately made a speech at the World Cup to Serbia, victories in tournament were got due to ultraboundary efforts, the senior trainer of a national team Konakov Alexander told Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Russians won six gold medals and one silver, having won an all-team competition. World champions of steel Gamzaev Mokhtar (weight category to 57 kg), Lamanov Vladimir (to 62 kg), Sheykh-Mansur Ibragimovich Khabibulaev (to 68 kg), Aleksey Romanovich Ivanov (to 82 kg), Sultan Aliev Sultan Aliev (to 90 kg) and Moldavsky Vladimir (over 100 kg), silver at Konakov Alexander...
Sultan Aliev
Last position: CEO (LLC "Stroy-Elit")
Aleksey Romanovich Ivanov
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on fighting sambo (All-Russian sports and sports Public organization "Vserossiyskaya Federatsiya Sambo")
Konakov Alexander
Gamzaev Mokhtar