Nexign will replace billing system in Ucell

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Zakazchiki:ucell project (COSCOM SP) Tashkent; Telecommunication and communication of Podryadchiki:nexign (Neksayn, Servis Peter) Product: Nexign Convergent BSS project Date: 2020/04 - 2021/06 Technology: OSS/BSS contractors - the 65th projects - the 268th systems - the 110th vendors - 75 Technology: Billing systems contractors - the 48th projects - the 187th systems - the 99th vendors - 71 2020: Nexign BSS system introduction on November 9, 2020 reported that will replace billing system in Ucell. Nexign Convergent BSS will allow the operator Uzbekistan to update system of billing and to increase quality of service of subscribers. Contract provides...