The Belarusian sambo wrestlers won 13 awards on ChM-2020 to Serbia

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On November 9, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The Belarusian sambo wrestlers won 13 awards of various advantage in the World Cup-2020, which came to the end in Novi Sad (Serbia), reports the correspondent Belarusian cable agency "Belta". In the sports section with medals of the highest test a moneybox of the Belarusian team filled up Zhilinskaya Angela (72 kg), Alexander Koksha (75 kg) and Andrey Fedorovich Kazusenok (100 kg), for which this fourth gold of planetary forums in career. Silver was won Vera Gorelikova (64 kg), by Skvortsova Anastasia (68 kg), Timoshenko Svetlana (80 kg), Sayapin Wladyslaw (68 kg) and Dmitri Khokhlov (over 100 kg). Bronze awards on...
Alexander Mikhaylovich Koksha
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo and judo
Vera Gorelikova
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo
Zhilinskaya Angela
Skvortsova Anastasia