Нарышкин назвал заслуженным вручение премии президента РФ Амелину, Григорьеву и Ицковичу

Награду получили руководители авторского коллектива, который работал над созданием антологии литературы народов...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Sergey Naryshkin
Last position: Director (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation)
Maxime Amelin
Last position: Editor-in-chief (CJSC "Obedinennoye gumanitarnoye publishing house")
Vladimir Grigoryev
Last position: Director of the department of the state support of periodicals and book industry (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Dmitry Solomonovich Itskovich
Last position: CEO (CJSC "Obedinennoye gumanitarnoye publishing house")