newspaper "Le Figaro" – Emmanuel Macron, at last, waited for support from opposition — it was necessary to squabble only with Recep Erdogan

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Attacks Recep Erdogan on Emmanuel Macron caused unanimous reaction from the French opposition which spoke out in defense of the head of state, writes newspaper "Le Figaro". As the newspaper underlines, to the leader France was not possible to achieve similar national unity never for its all the time of board overwhelmed by crises. information agency "Reuters" "Eventually, it came from abroad" — are written by newspaper "Le Figaro" about national unity in the attitude towards Emmanuel Macron which until recently to the president it was refused. As reminds the edition, during the period of "the crises which have covered its term" opposition never...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)