RTsNK in Ulan-Bator signed the Memorandum of joint cooperation with the Governor of the Vostochnogobiysky aimag Mongolia

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On October 23 in the opening day of Days of the Russian-Mongolian friendship and cooperation in Ulan-Bator which passes to Mongolia for the 60th time, in the Russian center of science and culture (RTsNK) in the Mongolian capital signing of the Memorandum of cooperation between the Vostochnogobiysky aimag and Representation federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad, and on International humanitarian cooperation in Mongolia took place. From the Russian side the document was signed by the head of Representation federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad, and on International humanitarian cooperation in Mongolia Bazarkhandaev Amgalan, from the Mongolian party - the Governor of the Vostochnogobiysky aimag madam G. Erdenetsetseg. According to the Memorandum of the party intend to strengthen...