Saint Petersburg declared the authorities new measures the phrase "is after 23:00 harmfully". JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSBIZNESKONSALTING". On October 19, 2020

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In Saint Petersburg will limit working hours of restaurants, warned the authorities. Restaurateurs reported that in the city also plan to enter system of registration of visitors on phone number, as in Moscow. The authorities Saint Petersburg will enter restrictions for restaurants, they will be closed at 23:00. The vice governor Evgeniy Yelin, transfers information agency "Interfaks" with reference to the press service City administration". Restaurants carry out two functions: feed and entertain. To have a good time and transfer each other a virus in hot dance today not time, and is after 23:00 harmfully. Give slightly less...
Aleksey Alekseevich Nemeryuk
Last position: Minister, Head of Department (Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow)
Evgeniy Yelin
Main activity:Official
Arkady Teplitsky
Last position: Vice-president (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ADAMANT")
Garbar Leonid
Main activity:Communication and IT
City administration
Government Agency