Exhibition "Union. Republic of Karelia. Art" in City showroom of Petrozavodsk

@Muzei Rossii
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Exhibition "Union. Republic of Karelia. Art", it is devoted to the 100 anniversary of Republic of Karelia and to the 80 anniversary of the Union of artists of Republic of Karelia (The Karelian regional office of VTOO Union of artists Russia). All Karelian artists take part in it – members of the Union practically: only 63 authors. Opportunity independently to define those works which will present ego%5see creativity at exhibition, without restriction with a chronological or genre framework was offered each of them. Among exhibits of exhibitions there are early works of one artists and absolutely new, recently created - others. Aggregated they...
Boris Nikolaevich Pomortsev
Main activity:Cultural worker
Chekmasov Valentine
Yufa Tamara
Kashtanov Alexander
Ivanov Georgy
Main activity:Culture and sports
Selkhoz Russia
Main activity:Culture and sports