"National" opening of a monument to Yamshchikov Savva will take place at midday on October 8

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National opening of a monument to the restorer, the historian of art Yamshchikov Savva will take place on October 8 at midday, the wife of the restorer Ganibalova Valentina reported to periodical e-edition "Pskovskoe agentstvo informatsii". "The monument was under construction on national money therefore also opening will be national, in birthday - on October 8", - marked out Ganibalova Valentina. According to her, national opening of a monument to Yamshchikov Savva will take place at 12 o'clock. At a ceremony about one hundred guests from Saint Petersburg and Moscow, and also Pskov is expected. "From Saint Petersburg there will arrive the person 50, from Moscow, probably, the person 20, of course, residents of Pskov will be", - told...
Yamshchikov Savva
Ganibalova Valentina
Plokhotsky Mikhail
Plokhotsky Anton
Asafov Alexander