Professor St. Petersburg state conservatory named after N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova Alekseev Alexander] die

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It did not become on the 83rd year of life In Saint Petersburg on the 83rd year of life the honored worker of arts professor of chair of conducting St. Petersburg state conservatory named after N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova Alekseev Alexander died. About it it is reported on the page of musical educational institution on social network "VKontakte". About a cause of death in the press service of Conservatory did not report, date and a place of farewell become known later. Alekseev Alexander was born in March 10 in Belkovo's village Hvoinaya district Novgorod Region. In 1957-1966 it was trained in the Leningrad conservatory in choral and symphonic conducting. With 1971 on 1972...