Darya Panenkova about completion of career: "Understood that it is necessary to go the road, instead of to try to keep up with little girls with fourfold"

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The former Russian figure skater Darya Panenkova told about the reasons of why it finished sports career. – In the fall of 2018 after a train of failures you frankly wrote in social networks about pubertate. Did not think simply to endure this period and then to change from scratch? – Such thought was not. It is rather a problem in the growing period. In 15-16 years I was eager for freedom, instead of to go every day on trainings. Videla as contemporaries walk and enjoy life, and I plow. Only now I understand, why trainers explained to me then, it is possible to tell, forced to come to ice. I said everything to mother that I do not want...
Darya Panenkova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating