In the station Shelkozavodskaya opening of Recreation centers] took plac

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In the village Shelkozavodskaya Shelkovskaya district took place a ceremonial opening of new buildings rural Recreation centers. Reconstruction of buildings was carried out within implementation of the national Culture project. Shelkovskaya district Khamid Khadzhiev and other officials the Minister of Culture of ChR Hozh-Daaev Baudi, the chief of UGIBDD on ChR Cherkhigov Idris, the head of administration. As noted in the press service of Minkultury CHR, the new building meets the modern requirements: concert hall on 110 seats, equipped with the light and sound equipment, rooms for...
Khamid Khadzhiev
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district of Shelkovsk of the Chechen Republic)
Khozh-Baudi Daaev
Main activity:Official
Cherkhigov Idris
Minkultury CHR
Government Agency