The program of a round table "Art without barriers". Arkhangelsk, on October 2-3, 2020

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On October 2 S(A)FU ITsNB FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SEVERNY (ARKTICHESKY) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA", NORTHERN (ARCTIC) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA, SAFU, SAFU NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA of E.I. Ovsyankin, Smolny St. the Brawler, 1, the Solovki audience (a miss. 501, 5 floor) 09.30 Registration of participants 10.00 Welcome speeches of the director of NPO Pomor Fund "Bereginya" Statikova T. A., directors VSHSGNIMK FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SEVERNY (ARKTICHESKY) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA", NORTHERN (ARCTIC) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA, SAFU, SAFU NAMED AFTER M. V. LOMONOSOVA, k.polit.nauk Tamitsky A. M., representatives of the ministries of educations and cultures Arkhangelsk Region. 10.30 Tiflovystavka presentation "Feeling of painting" Specialists of the Krasny art center, Novosibirsk, online 11.00 "A tiflokommentirovaniye role in preservation of a cultural heritage" Borshchevsky Yvan, the translator, a tiflokommentator, the head of department...