In Zheleznogorsk exhibition "75 years of the nuclear industry opened: Advancing time"

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In showroom the city museums (Sverdlova, 55a) exhibition "75 years of the nuclear industry opened: Advancing time". It will work till November 8. Symbolical tape at opening OYaT and VE YaROO cut today chapter Zheleznogorsk Igor Germanovich Kuksin, the director of a state policy in the field of Russian joint stock company, State corporation "Rosatom" Oleg Kryukov and director general with GHK Kolupaev Dimitri. At exhibition more than 120 subjects are presented: archival documents, photos and other historical exhibits. A lot of things are for the first time shown to the general public. For example, statement of the head of the Soviet nuclear industry...
Igor Germanovich Kuksin
Main activity:Official
Oleg Kryukov
Last position: The director of a state policy in the field of the radioactive waste, the fulfilled nuclear fuel and a conclusion from operation yaderno and radiation dangerous objects (State corporation "Rosatom")
Kolupaev Dimitri
Trotsky Leo
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water