Evening of boxing to Kazan. Saduula fell in a knock-down three times and lost Minasov Vildan in the second round

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The Kazakhstan citizen Dastan of Saduula (3-1, 3 KO) lost to the Russian boxer Minasov Vildan (4-0, 3 KO) in a duel for a title of the champion of WBC Asia in an easy division. The fight which was taking place within All Champions - Kazan 2020, ended quickly enough: Minasov Vildan sent Saduula to a knock-down in the first round twice, and the following falling of the Kazakhstan citizen in the second led to that his party threw out a towel. The duel ended with a technical knockout. This first defeat of the 18-year-old Kazakhstan citizen in professional boxing. Video of fight available on the official YouTube-channel of competition...