More than three hundred people took part in fair of vacancies "We invite in shipbuilders"

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25, on September 26 in the capital of Pomorze on the basis of the Arkhangelsk city cultural center fair of vacancies "We invite in shipbuilders". Her organizers — regional Ministry of Labour, employment and social development, the Arkhangelsk regional center of employment of the population and JSC <0> "Sevmash production association . Inhabitants took part in action Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Holmogory district and Primorsky rayon, wishing to find a job on one of the largest ship-building enterprises of the country. In two days fair was visited by more than three hundred people. At opening with...
Terentyev Fedor
Syrodubov Vladimir
Yatsenko Vladimir
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Regionalnoye ministry truda, employment and social development
Government Agency