Holmogory district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas areaTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas area10/14/2021Alexander TsybulskyThe prosecutor's office carries out an inspection upon a collapse of church of Vasily Blazhenny in the Holmogorsky area. During check the assessment will be given to circumstances of incident, the reasons and conditions, it promoting8/1/2023Maria KudryashovaTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas areaTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas area10/14/2021Alexander TsybulskyThe prosecutor's office carries out an inspection upon a collapse of church of Vasily Blazhenny in the Holmogorsky area. During check the assessment will be given to circumstances of incident, the reasons and conditions, it promoting8/1/2023Maria KudryashovaTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas areaTerritories where we observe the greatest gain of patients with COVID-19, at the same time are territories with the smallest number passed vaccination — it is the Holmogorsky area, Kotlas and the Kotlas area10/14/2021Alexander Tsybulsky1221Region News+5 last weekHead since 2016Natalia Bolshakova0Media ScoreHead since 2016Natalia Bolshakova9:27:28 PMGMT+329RUS81830Dialing code40Connections+12 last weekPopulation21 005NewsConnections Tree
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