In Krasnodar appointed chairmen of committees of Municipal duma

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Representatives of committees became: — Anashkin Andrey, chairman of committee on construction, town-planning and architectural activity; — Igor Bragarnik, chairman of committee on communications with public organizations, to questions of the migratory, international and religious relations, affairs of the Cossacks and military personnel; — Vyacheslav Burenok, chairman of committee on Household management company and to fuel and energy complex; — Maxime Burlachko, chairman of committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens; — Verbitsky Vladimir, chairman of committee on the information...
Vyacheslav Burenok
Last position: Deputy of City Council of Krasnodar of the 6th convocation
Maxime Burlachko
Last position: Director of development, JSC METKOM and
Ludmila Golovchenko
Last position: CEO (LLC "GUK-Krasnodar")
Vadim Aleksandrovich Dyachenko
Last position: The deputy, the Chairman of committee on financial yudzhetnoy and a tax policy (Krasnodar City Council)
Roman Luzinov
Last position: Deputy (Krasnodar City Council)