To overtake and not to miss

@Udmurtskaja pravda
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In the past weekend "Nation cross-country" and festival start "Kalashnikov took place the central running. Biathlon" the Izhevsk Stadium "Dinamo" became the center of competitions the Central running of "Nation cross-country" to Udmurt Republic again took place in Izhevsk. And this time start took place on September 19 at Stadium "Dinamo" at two o'clock earlier, than amateur running "Kalashnikov. Biathlon". There are official data that to Udmurt Republic for "Nation cross-country" came 8 thousand people. Starts took place in several districts. Izhevsk this time could not surpass small settlements in number of runners. Because of a pandemic kovid-19 was...
Владимир Сергеевич Семаков
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION UR "SSSHOR PO BIATLONU")
Korepanov Anatoly
Trofimov Andrey
Ursegova Anastasiya
Yezhova Catherina