"Khimki" looks for playing and showed interest to two players

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"Khimki" situated near Moscow looks for playing defender, the journalist Andreani Mattheo reported in "twitter". According to a source, the club situated near Moscow showed interest to Tayres Rice and Teylor Rochesti. Playing the trauma Yovich Stephane which left an operation for one and a half-two months is the reason of search. The day before in Nizhny Novgorod at stadium "Mountain" the next match of a regular season of Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" took place in which local "Nizhny Novgorod" accepted "Khimki". The meeting came to the end with a victory of residents of Nizhny Novgorod with the score 96:85. As a part of "Khimki" 21 points were gathered by Monro Greg, the double double issued...
Teylor Rochesti
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (Regional non-governmental organization "Federatsiya konnogo sporta goroda Moskvy")
Andreani Mattheo
Yovich Stephane
Monro Greg