The Platonovsky award-2020 was handed over to the art director Voronezhskogo by chamber theaters

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On September 20 at International Platonovsky festival of arts there took place a ceremony of delivery of the next Platonovsky award. This year it was awarded to the art director Kamernogo by theaters and International Platonovsky festival of arts to Bychkov Mikhail . The winner was congratulated by actors and the audience Chamber where this evening fools on the periphery" on Platonov Andrey showed ". The award was handed over by the governor Alexander Gusev. - In recent days our city is painted with bright paints International Platonovsky festival of arts. This one more confirmation of that is capable to overcome art not only time, but also difficult circumstances. By the way, circumstances of the last half a year delivered to us...
Alexander Nikolaevich Sokurov
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Alexander Gusev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Voronezh region)
Leo Abramovich Dodin
Last position: Director, artistic director (Academic Small drama theater Theatre of Europe)