Working visit to library

@Kostromskaja oblastnaja Duma
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Senator Mikhail Kozlov works in Kostroma. The member Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation visited regional universal scientific library. Mikhail Kozlov, the director of libraries Yemelyanov Aleksey and employees discussed a number of questions. They concerned replenishment of book fund, improvement of library spaces, involvement and familiarizing of youth with visit of libraries. During a meeting to senator showed valuable and rare copies of books which are stored in library. It "The Russian grammar" - one of the first Russian textbooks, the made Lomonosov M. V. in 1755, the man-made book with the text of the play of A.N...
Mikhail Kozlov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council on defense and safety)
Yemelyanov Aleksey
Lomonosov M. V.
Ostrovsky A. N.
Geta I. V.