Court decided to allow to elections in Ivory Coast the ex-prime minister

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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Court the Former prime minister Ivory Coast Guillaume Soro decided to allow to elections in Ivory Coast the ex-prime minister has to be allowed to participation in presidential election of the country, decided the African court on human rights and the people (AfCHPR), transfers on September 15 CGTN TV channel. The constitutional court forbade Ivory Coast to participate in elections together with the former president Laurent Gbagbo. It caused rough protests in a number of the country cities. In addition, court in Ivory Coast allowed to stand for the third presidential term to Alassan Draman Uattara that also caused discontent of some...
Alassan Draman Uattara
Last position: President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (President of Republic of Côte d'Ivoire)
Konan Anri