Стал известен новый состав Думы города Костромы

Продолжается обработка информации и по выборам депутатов Думы города Костромы, но победители уже определились...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ГТРК 'Кострома'» , more details in our Terms of Service
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sotnikov
Main activity:Official
Natalia Pashkanova
Last position: Director of MBOU of the city of Kostroma "High comprehensive school No. 1"
Maxime Cherstvov
Last position: Deputy of a thought Kostroma
Andrey Makhin
Last position: Deputy of the Duma of the city of Kostroma
Alexander Dubov
Last position: Chairman (Predstavitelnoye Sobraniye)