Сергей Тетюхин: Спасибо художникам, сделали меня помоложе

Легенду белгородского и мирового волейбола нарисовали на Аллее Славы волейбола...
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Sergei Tetyukhin
Last position: General volleyball manager of Russian national team (VFV)
Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Fakel")
Oleg Stoyanovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (MP "BK "Obninsk")
Maxime Mikhaylovich Mikhaylov
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Zenit" (Kazan city))
Catherina Gamova
Last position: Curator of female junior Russian national teams (VFV)
Main activity:Culture and sports