JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK"] became the general sponsor of "Dairy sessions\

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The quarterly meeting "Dairy sessions 9.1" during which leading experts will discuss tendencies in dairy branches, will take place on September 8 in an online format. As the general partner of action JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" acts. Part in discussion will be taken by the head of the Center of branch examinations JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" Dalnov Andrey. The milk market reached at the moment high level of a maturity. Thanks to state support volumes of productions molokosyrye grow in commodity sector. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" as basic bank the agrarian and industrial complex is interested as in the balanced development only dairy branches, and in profitability increase...