Aleksey Nikolaevich Mishin about the favourite football player: "I support Dzyubu because he is loved by Elizabeth Tuktamysheva! Its game is similar to work of the figure skater Gennady Krasnitsky"
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The known figure skating coach Aleksey Nikolaevich Mishin called the favourite football player. — The trainer Stanislas Cherchesov imposes me. He is not afraid of failures. They do not reduce it from a way. It is very important. He does not watch plus at other trainers. If it copied Gvardiola or Kloppa, would not be Stanislas Cherchesov. It is possible to be the ingenious football coach, but it is necessary to be Stanislas Cherchesov to win victories about this combined Russian Federation. In figure skating too there are a lot of cool trainers but if I copied them, would not be that Aleksey Nikolaevich Mishin whom you know. — There is at you a personal idol? — I support Dzyubu, because...
Elizabeth Tuktamysheva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Stanislas Cherchesov
Main activity:Athlete
Алексей Николаевич Мишин
Last position: Head of the department of speed skating and figure skating (NGU NAMED AFTER P. F. LESGAFTA, SAINT PETERSBURG CITY)