Female NBA. "Indiana contra Connecticut", "Atlanta" will play with "Las Vegas"

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In Florida IMG Academy the 24th season of female NBA which is devoted to social movement of Black Lives Matter proceeds. Each of 12 WNBA teams will carry out on 22 matches in the regular championship. "Indiana" conceded to "Connecticut", "Atlanta" lost to "Las Vegas". Female NBA the Regular Indiana championship – State of Connecticut – 77:96 (16:20, 21:27, 21:29, 19:20) INDIANA: Mitchell K. (16%2B 5 transfers), Makkovan (15%2B 7 selections). State of Connecticut: Bonnaire (26%2B 6 selections), Jones B. (20%2B 6 selections), A. Thomas (20%2B 5 interceptions). September 5. 23.00 The Atlas – Las Vegas – 79:89 (23:21, 21:24, 17:20, 18:24)...