The national team Czech Republic surely beat Slovakia in a match to League of the nations

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The sure victory over the national team Slovakia was gained by Czech Republic in a match of the 1st round of group of 2 leagues of B in League of the nations of UEFA on September 4 in Bratislava. All goals were scored in the second time. The account was open on the 48th minute when the defender of the Czech national team Vladimir Tsoufal — 0:1 caused a stir. Borzhek Dochkal, the realized penalty on the 53rd minute — 0:2 doubled goal advantage of guests. The Czech forward Michal Krmenchik from transfer Vladimir Darida on the 86th minute made the account devastating — 0:3. However Slovaks found forces to score a prestige goal — on the 88th minute the forward of owners Ivan Shrants — 1:3, a victory Czech Republic caused a stir...