Colleagues Alexei Navalny let out investigation with charges in corruptions Tomsk United Russia party members

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The staff of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny published the video devoted corruptions in Tomsk. For shooting of part of investigation about corruptions in Siberia mister Alexei Navalny went to Tomsk. The trip came to the end with its hospitalization on August 20. On August 31 the staff Alexei Navalny published the roller devoted to a situation with corruption in Novosibirsk. In the roller published today, some deputies Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region from "United Russia" Party are accused in corruptions. In particular, in investigation the deputy, the head and the main owner of LLC "Gorseti" Vladimir Tikhonovich Reznikov and his son Reznikov Maxime are mentioned...
Alexei Navalny
Main activity:Politician
Helena Telkova
Last position: Director of development and realization of services of JSC Gorseti
Vladimir Tikhonovich Reznikov
Last position: Director general (LLC "Gorseti")
Kirill Lvovich Novozhilov
Last position: Chairman of the Supervisory board (LLC "Tomskvodokanal")
Reznikov Maxime