Poland will not judge the scandalous ex-minister for million swindle

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The former Minister of Health Poland to Lukasz Ian Shumovski should not be afraid of responsibility, the Minister of Justice of the country Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro in Polsat News interview declared on August 24. So Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro commented on investigation of large-scale swindle in which Ministry Republic health care Poland at the beginning of a pandemic Koronavirus bought unsuitable medical masks for the sum of 5,5 million zloties (about 100 million rubles). "I cannot report an investigation detail if they mention, for example, sir Shumovsky — told Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro. — At present I do not see the reasons for which sir Shumovsky has to be afraid of the...