The Secretary of State from administration George W. Bush the Sr. caught Koronavirus

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The former Secretary of State of United States of America James Addison Baker III and his wife Baker Syuzan caught Koronavirus, the press secretary of the politician John Williams told on August 21 journalists. John Williams noted that the state allows spouses to go about the own business — James Addison Baker III works from at home, his wife continues to be engaged in household. The probability of hospitalization is estimated as insignificant. Let's remind, Baker Syuzan was born in 1930. At the president Reygan Ronalda from 1981 to 1985 it held a post of the head of its administration, and with 1985 on 1988 — the minister of finance United States of America. From 1989 to 1992 it held a post of the head...