PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" started the GTPP in Perm Territory for APG utilization
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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" started gas-turbine power plant of "Chashkino" (GTPP) which develops the electric power from the associated oil gas (AOG) extracted on fields of companies in Perm Territory. In the opening ceremony of object took part chapter Perm Territory Dimitri Nikolaevich Makhonin and the vice-president for power of companies Denise Dolgov. On the 16 MWt GTPP about 50 million cubic meters of APG a year from fields of companies in Perm Territory will be used. The main volume of the developed electric power will go to own production objects PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" that will allow to reduce purchases...
Dimitri Nikolaevich Makhonin
Last position: Governor (Government of the Perm Territory)
Denise Dolgov
Last position: Vice-president for power (PJSC Lukoil)
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining