Marathoners Murmansk Region became participants of mass runnings

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Photo: KLB "Polar lights" Karpova Larissa at a semi-marathon distance in Saint Petersburg Athletes Murmansk Region, representing club of fans of run "Polar lights", in August took part at once in several large runnings in different regions of the country. The resident of Murmansk Alexander Kachanovsky among 9500 participants came on August 2 for start of the Moscow semi-marathon. With result 1 hour 14 minutes and 37 seconds our fellow countryman finished the 52nd. On August 9 the sports festival repeated on streets Saint Petersburg. Semi-marathon nearly 3000 athletes ran. Ovchinnikova Iana from Apatity overcame...
Karpova Larissa
Ovchinnikova Iana
Domrachev Vladimir
Retyunskikh Alexandra