The halfback of "Dynamo" Migel Felipe Kardozu will spend a season in rent to "Belenensishe"

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© the Halfback of "Dynamo" Migel Felipe Kardozu passed the official twitter Club "Dinamo" in Portuguese "Belenensish", is reported on a site of the Moscow football club. Migel Felipe Kardozu joined "Dynamo" ranks in 2018. The 26-year-old Portuguese carried out part of a season-2019/20 in "Tambov" for which played one match, as a part of "white-blue" it left in the field in six meetings and hammered one ball. "Belenensish" following the results of the past season took the 15th place in the championship Portugal...
Migel Felipe Kardozu
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Tambov city")
Club "Dinamo"