The inhabitants of Volgograd who have come back from the abroad should hand over the test on Koronavirus

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Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare reminded inhabitants of Volgograd who left the country, about need of testing upon return. In department specified that the travelers who have come back to area, within 72 hours have to hand over dab from a nose and a rotoglotka (PTsR) on analysis. Results of dough need to be placed in STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "YEGPU", having filled a special form. I hand over dab in a residence. To Volgograd Region it can be made in FBUZ "The center of hygiene and epidemiology on Volgograd Region", The Kliniko-diagnostichesky <13> Public Healthcare Institution policlinic No. 2", State budgetary health care institution "City children's outpatient clinic No. 2" Volzhsky, GBUZ "The Volgograd regional...