To Udmurt Republic left the book about 25 Izhevsk labor dynasties

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To Udmurt Republic left the book of the historian and the regional specialist Maratkanov Vladimir about 25 most outstanding Izhevsk labor dynasties. He reported about it on the page in social network "VKontakte". Over the book "Izhevsk Labour Dynasties" the author worked for 5 years. - Fly, hurry! From printing house and customers started it receiving the book of visors, - Maratkanov Vladimir announced emergence of the book. In the new book it is told about hereditary metallurgists and armorers of the XVIII-XX centuries who made the most powerful contribution to industrial and welfare development the cities. The book is written on...
Vyacheslav Maratkanov
Last position: The chairman of office of RIGHT CAUSE party in the Republic of Mari El
Maratkanov Vladimir