In RTsNK in Ljubljana exhibition works of the Dubna nursery of schools arts "Inspiration" of Dubna] opene

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Within the project "Friendship bridges: Dubna – Nova Gorica" in the Russian center of science and culture in Ljubljana (RTsNK) opening of exhibitions works of pupils of ДШИ "VDOKHNOVENIYE" (Dubna, Moscow Region), to the devoted Anniversary of the Great Victory took place. Ljubljana became the second city in tour of this exhibitions on Slovenia. Earlier it with success was exposed in Nova Gorica, and will be exhibited in Murska Sobota in the fall. Exhibition will be shown till September 15, 2020 in the RTsNK Big hall to the address: (Ciril-Metodov trg 1, Ljubljana). In June, 2020 5 years from the date of establishment of the twinning were executed...