The figure skater from Samara became the trainer of the Ice arena in Pskov

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The new figure skating coach in the Ice arena Pskov became Stanislas Karchevsky from Samara. About it it is reported in website "Instagram" establishments. "Stanislas Karchevsky – the graduate of schools the Olimpiisky reserve of Samara. Molodoi ̆, but skilled ̆ the professional loving ̆ figure skating and skates", - reported in the Ice arena. The trainer's structure of the Pskov Ice arena filled up repeated ̆ bronze ̆ prizer the Championship Russian Federation, the participant of Winter University games 2019 in Krasnoyarsk, the winner international competition ̆ with AmberCup 2018 in Riga, the participant of various cups, superiority, stages, foreign...