The Ukrainian Igor Plastun during a match from Football club "Sent-Tryuyden" injured a penis after contact with the goalkeeper

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The defender of Football club "Ghent" Igor Plastun was traumatized in a match of the first round of the championship Belgium against Football club "Sent-Tryuyden" (1:2). It injured a penis then it was necessary to impose seams. Collision with the goalkeeper of "Ghent" Kaminski Thomas on the 63rd minute became the reason, that crashed into Igor Plastun a knee. After contact of the Ukrainian replaced. Igor Plastun in the lost match scored the only goal of "Ghent". The Ukrainian plays in Ghent since 2018. The main achievement in career – two times the championship took Bulgaria with Football club "Ludogorets". Photo: BELGA. The new project about sports from team of "Goal-scorer": main subjects best...
Kaminski Thomas
Football club "Ludogorets"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Sent-Tryuyden"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Of the Korolyov city Sports assotsiatsiya Ghent
Main activity:Culture and sports