Physicians Poland protest against imprisonment for negligence

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The protest of medical workers against replacement of a penalty for medical errors imprisonment passed before building Parliament of Republic of Poland, on August 8 reports the Polish agency to the press. Demonstration was organized by labor union "Alliance medical professions". Protesting held in hand the posters "Stop to Frighten Physicians", "Do Not Tie to Us a Hand", "Not to Intimidate Us" and others. Ahead of and behind a column cars the fast helps went. Having reached buildings the parliament, protesting exposed before building medical wheelchairs on which surnames of the Polish high-ranking officials — the minister were written...
Andrzej Duda
Last position: President of the Republic of Poland (President of Republic Poland)
Lukasz Ian Shumovski
Last position: Deputy of Diet (National assembly Poland)
Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of Republic of Poland)
Kaysin Sergei