Ronaldo updated a century record, but did not rescue "Juventus". Who is guilty in a departure of residents of Turin from LCh
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"Juventus" won at "Lion", but took off for 1/8 finals of UEFA Champions League. Cristiano Ronaldo remains without trophy. "Juventus" in a return match won 1/8 finals of UEFA Champions League (2:1), but took off because of dry defeat on a foreign field. "Byankoneri" did not suffice a double Cristiano Ronaldo to break through in a quarterfinal. If you did not forget, France did not renew the championship because of a pandemic Koronavirus – since March 8 "Lion" played only one official match (on July 31 in Cup of English football league). It would seem, the odds in one ball should not become a serious obstacle for champions Italy, however passed further...