Shopping center "Zvezdny" in Moscow Region is sold for 1 billion rub

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Limited liability company "Penni Leyn Rielti" acted as the consultant at sale Shopping center "Zvezdny" in the city of the closed type gorod Krasnoznamensk Odintsovo district Moscow Region. The amount of transaction made about 1 billion rubles, is reported in the press release of companies. "As a rule, transactions of such scale last long, and this did not become an exception – its duration made about a year, - the area manager of investment projects makes comments on Limited liability company "Penni Leyn Rielti" Portretny Sergei. – The circumstances which have developed against a pandemic, did us good rather – during self-isolation we reconsidered conditions...
Portretny Sergei
Shopping center "Zvezdny"
Shopping center "Zvezdny"