Mikhail Degtyarev left chapter of Ministry property relations Khabarovsk territory Marina Kostin

@RIA Nedvizhimost'
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Khabarovsk, 5 Aug – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The minister of the property relations Khabarovsk Territory Marina Kostin remains on the post and will continue work at the new management of the region, the acting the governor of the region Mikhail Degtyarev reported in the account in website "Instagram". Earlier it was reported that from former structure of the government the deputy chairman of Government kraya on energy industry and Household management company Anatoly Alekseevich Litvinchuk is renominated also. The minister of finance edges became Kostyushin Valentine who was earlier the deputy minister of finance the region. Mikhail Degtyarev already appointed the new first deputy chairman of Government kraya – the chief of staff of the governor and...