Farewell to the prize-winner of the Olympic Games Vitold Kreer will take place on August 5 in Moscow

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© Farewell to the double prize-winner of the Olympic Games in a triple jump Vitold Kreer will take place the official site of VFLA in Wednesday in Moscow, All-russian public organization "VFLA" is reported on a site. Vitold Kreer died on August 1 at the age of 87 years. Farewell will take place in crematorium Khovansky's territory on August 5 at 14:00. Vitold Kreer won bronze at the Olympic Games of 1956 in Melbourne and at the Games-1960 in Rome, and also won the USSR championship in a triple jump (1960, 1961) twice. After completion of sports career Vitold Kreer worked as the senior trainer of USSR national team, and then and Russian Federation on jumps, was...